If the user selects 'input manually',

The default numbers of haplotypes and populations are set to 10. Users can update these values to get the appropriate number of rows and columns in the data matrix. Unless the data matrix is small, the user will likely have to scroll within the table to input all the data. To facilitate this the population, lat, and long columns and the header row will be frozen. After the data is saved, the application checks the input. If the data is validated, we go to

We arrive at this page once the data have been validated (whether input by hand or uploaded). The purpose of this page is to allow the user to include/exclude populations and/or haplotypes. By default all populations and haplotypes are included. After any edits the user is taken to

This window previews and allows the user to edit the visualization. There are 3 possible visualizations: 1) Show just the sampling localities. On this option, the map options 'haplotype color', 'pie size (absolute)', and 'pie size (relative)' are grayed out. 2) Display with circles relative to the sample size for each locality. In this case, the map option 'marker appearance' is grayed out. 3) Display full haplotype information for each locality. In this case, the map option 'marker appearance' is grayed out.
When editing any of the map options a panel will pop out with options for that task. Map option definitions:
- marker appearance: select what icons you want to identify each population
- haplotype color: select colors for each haplotype
- pie size (absolute): set the max diameter for each circle or pie
- pie size (relative): choose if pies are all the same size or relative to the sample size; allows the user to set the bounds on the sample size bins
Below the preview screen is the legend. It shows the current color of each haplotype as well as the relative circle sizes and their corresponding sample sizes.
I know on the mock-up the preview screen is fairly small. However, the page will scale with the window, so it should be big enough for most folks. I will also consider moving the 'map options' below the map, so the map can be bigger. I was thinking, though, that the user might find it annoying to constantly scroll up and down to see the effects of the 'map options'.
Now to export the finalized map and legend.

From this page the user can export the visualization in four ways. It's important for the user to do the repositioning, coloring, and other editing work here before exporting to Google Earth. It's not possible to click and drag polygons in Google Earth as it is in Google Maps. If the user selects the .jpg option, they will be prompted to choose either saving the map and legend together or separately. The other formats handle the map and legend separately anyways.
Error handling: If the application has trouble reading the input file, then the validation will fail and generate this error page.

The user is then directed back to either uploading or manually inputting their data.
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